
中国药企最大手笔外洋并购! 复星医药并购印度药企Gland Pharma

中国药企最大手笔外洋并购! 复星医药并购印度药企Gland Pharma

  • 分类:公司新闻
  • 作者:复星医药
  • 来源:
  • 宣布时间:2016-07-29
  • 会见量:0


中国药企最大手笔外洋并购! 复星医药并购印度药企Gland Pharma


  • 分类:公司新闻
  • 作者:复星医药
  • 来源:
  • 宣布时间:2016-07-29
  • 会见量:0



       复星医药拟斥资逾12亿美元并购印度领先注射剂药企GlandPharma ,加速国际化进程。


       2016年7月28日 ,上海复星医药 (集团) 股份有限公司 (简称“复星医药” ,股份代码: 600196.SH, 02196.HK) 通告称 ,拟通过控股子公司出资不凌驾126,137万美元收购Gland Pharma Limited(简称“Gland Pharma”)约86.08%的股权(以下简称“本次交易”) ,其中包括收购方将依据Gland 的依诺肝素产品在美国上市销售情况所支付的不凌驾5,000万美元的或有对价。这是迄今中国制药企业交易金额最大的外洋并购案。

       本次交易完成后 ,Gland Pharma的总部将继续设立在印度都会海德拉巴。Gland Pharma的现任CEO及COO将继续留任 ,CEO及其父亲(公司首创人)仍将留在董事会。



       复星医药董事长陈启宇体现:“Gland Pharma有一支优秀的治理团队 ,此前在KKR的强力支持下 ,业务生长十分迅速 ,已生长为具有国际影响力的印度注射剂领先企业。并购GlandPharma将成为复星医药制药工业实现国际化生长的一个重要的里程碑 ,加速复星医药的国际化进程。中国和印度在制药领域有很强的互补性。以复星医药和Gland Pharma为代表的中印药企的资源嫁接将有利于推动中国药企在研发立异及仿制药出口等方面的国际化程序。”


Gland Pharma建立于 1978 年 ,总部位于印度海德拉巴 ,主要从事注射剂药品的生产制造业务。Gland Pharma是印度第一家获得美国FDA批准的注射剂药品生产制造企业 ,并获得全球各大规则市场的GMP认证 ,其业务收入主要来自于美国和欧洲。Gland Pharma目前主要通过配合开发、引进许可 ,为全球各大型制药公司提供注射剂仿制药品的生产制造效劳等。作为少数专业从事生产制造注射剂药品的公司之一 ,Gland Pharma在印度市场同类公司中处于领先职位。


本次交易完成后 ,将有助于推进复星医药的药品制造业务的工业升级、加速国际化进程、提升在注射剂市场的占有率。同时 ,复星医药将借助Gland Pharma自身的研发能力及印度市场特有的仿制药政策优势 ,嫁接复星医药已有的生物医药立异研发能力 ,实现产品线的整合及协同 ,积极开拓印度及其他市场的业务 ,从而扩大药品制造与研发业务的规模。

       通告也提示了相关危害 ,本次交易还须获得复星医药股东大会、Gland Pharma股东大会、中国境内相关主管部分境外投资批准以及其他国家主管部分(包括但不限于印度反垄断、印度外国投资、美国反垄断等主管部分)的批准。



China’s Fosun Pharma to Sign Agreement for over US$ 1.2Billion in Gland Pharma Acquisition 


SHANGHAI – [July 28, 2016] – Shanghai FosunPharmaceutical (Group) Co. Ltd. (together with its subsidiaries, “FosunPharma”), a leading Chinese healthcare provider (stock code: 600196.SH,02196.HK), today announced the signing of a definitive agreement under whichFosun Pharma will acquire an approximate [86.08%] stake in Gland Pharma for nomore than [US$ 1261.37 million], including paying no more than [US$ 50 million]contingent consideration for Gland’s Enoxaparin sales in the U.S. market. Thisis, so far, the largest overseas acquisition of a Chinese pharmaceuticalcompany.  


Following the close of the transaction, Gland Pharma willremain headquartered in Hyderabad. P.V.N. Raju, Founder of Gland Pharma, andhis son, Dr. Ravi Penmetsa, will continue to be on the Board, and Dr. Penmetsawill continue to serve as Managing Director and CEO. The family will retain astake in Gland Pharma.


Mr. Chen Qiyu, chairman of Fosun Pharma said, “GlandPharma’s management team, along with the support from KKR, has done atremendous job of growing the business to become the global leader in GenericsInjectables Industry. The deal will greatly strengthen Fosun Pharma’s global presenceand accelerate our speed of internationalization. It will enable us to providemore high quality products and services to our patients worldwide. Fosun Pharmais dedicated to implementing our investment model of ‘Combining China’s GrowthMomentum with Global Resources’ with the win-win cooperation with Gland Pharma.”


Established in 1978 and based in Hyderabad, Gland Pharmadevelops and manufactures generic injectables for use in nearly 90 countries onfive continents, with a focus on the Indian and US markets. In 2003, GlandPharma became the first company in India to get US Food and Drug Administration(“FDA”) approval for pharmaceutical liquid injectable products. Gland Pharma’sworld-class manufacturing facilities have also received approvals from a numberof key medical regulatory agencies around the globe including those inAustralia, Germany, and the UK, as well as the World Health Organization(“WHO”).


The transaction will promote Fosun Pharma’s developmentby upgrading pharmaceutical manufacturing, speeding up internationalizationprogress and increasing market share in injectables field. The twopharmaceutical manufacturers are expected to integrate production lines andsynergize innovation in developing biopharmaceutical products. Fosun Pharmawould also be able to further explore the international market by leveragingGland Pharma’s research capability and India’s preferential policies upongeneric drugs.      


The transaction is subject to customary regulatoryapprovals. Further details of the transaction are not disclosed.


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